Money, Money, Money!
Can you tell me the name of each coin? What is the value of each coin? How much money is in the picture?
Compare and Contrast
We are reading Cinderella in our reading book this week. We have read the Disney version and watched the Disney movie. Please tell me 2 things that are the same and 2 things that are different.
On your mark, get set, go!
We raced cars of different weights to see what effect the weight would have on the distance traveled. The pull of the rubberband created a force that pushed the cars. What did you learn?
Force and Motion
Looking at the picture, which car will be heavier? Which one would then travel the furthest and why?
Welcome to Taylors Creek!
Tyrone is new to us in room D44! We are so glad to have you join us on our learning safari! Tyrone comes to us from South Carolina.
Welcome Back to D44!
We would like to welcome Mena'e back to our classroom! She was with us for a very short time in August and returned back to us right before Thanksgiving! We are glad to have you!
These are a few of my favorite things...
We have learned about commas in a list or series. Please write a complete sentence listing 3 of your favorite things about Christmas. Here is an example: My favorite things about Christmas are the yummy cookies, watching my children open presents, and spending time with my whole family.
Congratulations Izabelle! Our SOAR student of the month!
Please visit our school's blog!
We are learning about Force and Motion!
Wow! We are having such a great time learning how to swim. What a fun week! I am SO VERY PROUD of all of my brave little swimmers! A special 'thank you' to our queen of technology this week. You did a great job, Kamora!
A big "HELLO" to all of Izabelle's old classmates! We are hoping to get to know you through PenPal letters. She has told us all how much she loves and misses her old school, teachers, and friends! We are so glad that you have shared her with us! We can't wait to hear from you! -Mrs. Nicholson
Our Water Cycle Representation
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Boys and girls- Please explain what you know about how the water cycle works.
James Oglethorpe
This is a monument of James Olglethorpe that is in downtown Savannah.
James Oglethorpe was a very important man. What do you remember learning about James Oglethorpe?
Hazel explains the rules of rounding
Using Hazel's rules to rounding, tell me about how many marbles Aaron would have.
Aaron had 25 marbles. About how many marbles did Aaron have? 20 or 30?
What a FUN Open House! Thanks for coming!
Open House is September 10, at 6:00 p.m.
More Matter
We have been learning about matter. One of our experiments was blowing up balloons and then letting them go. Tell me what you learned about matter when we did this experiment.
Reading Safari
Our class is on a Reading Safari! The students are allowed an opportunity to sign out a story kit from Thursday through Monday. Included in the kit is a book, a themed manipulative, and a journal. The students are asked to take an A.R. test upon return of the bag. In addition, they are to write a journal response to the book.
Students and families, you have had a chance to take a trip or two on our Reading Safari. Please share your thoughts on this activity. I would also like to know which book you have recently borrowed and share with us your feelings about this book.